Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Ugh, I'm sick of politics...Is it election day already?!?!?!
So, first of all, I do NOT like Obama. I just don't. I trust him about as far as I could throw him, and I am seriously considering moving to Canada if he is elected (which seems likely, so I'll be sending out some postcards soon)! I also can't handle Joe Biden. I saw him earlier this year on Meet the Press (yes, I'm a nerd and LOVE those shows...they make my Sunday mornings!), and he said point blank that Barack Obama was NOT ready to LEAD. Its funny how things change when "power" is dangled in front of some people's faces, isn't it? I also can't stand him because, on Meet the Press (this is post-VP nominee), he sat there and stated that yes he is a devote Catholic, and yes he believes abortion is wrong, but he will not "force" his views on anyone else. Ew. Is it so difficult to stand up for what you believe and not sit idly by? Now, I don't agree with EVERYTHING that John McCain stands for. I don't agree with his stance on military interrogation tactics (what he calls "torture"...I call it a necessary evil...ask me about it), and I honestly think his health care plan sucks, but for me...he is the lesser of two evils. I do LOVE Sarah Palin though! It kills me that Obama and his people have tried attacking her for lack of experience...HELLO! I'd like to see Mr. B.O.'s resume. Anyway, I am just so excited for election day and I'm so GLAD that so many people have taken advantage of their privilege to vote. Its really an amazing, amazing thing to be allowed to make your voice heard when so many people in this world are not allowed to voice any opinions at all! VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! (For McCain!)
Posted by Jessica at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The First Book...
Okay, so if anyone has never read anything by Dan Brown, please crawl out of your hole NOW! Thank you. Dan Brown, of course, became super famous with his novel "The Da Vinci Code" (and for good reason...that is an amazing book). "Angels and Demons" was released 3 years before "Da Vinci" and introduces Robert Langdon, a professor of Symbology and Iconology at Harvard University. He turns into sort of an Indiana Jones type (hot, yes) as he goes about on his "adventures" solving murder mysteries. In A&D, he gets caught up in a plot by an ancient group called the Illuminati to destory the Catholic Church...obviously, chaos ensues! What I love about Dan Brown novels, is the immense amount of research he puts into them, which makes for a very visual storyline. Robert Langdon and his partner this time around, Vittoria, are running all over Italy and Vatican City in this book, and the way in which it all is written, makes you honestly feel as if you've been there. Another thing about this novel (and most, if not all of his books, if I remember correctly) that I love, is the fact that the whole thing takes place in a matter of hours. I think that I am reading this novel for the third time now, and I am still finding it hard to put the book down at night! So, next time you're looking for something good to read, you now have an option!
Look at me being all bloggerish!
So, I'll be completely honest...I was pretty jealous of some of my friend's blogs and wanted to be just as cool as they are! Thus the creation of this place! My life isn't too interesting, so I think I'm going to use this place as my own personal book and movie and whatever site! If I read or see something good, I promise it will be posted right here. If I actually meet a man, oh, you better believe that will be here too. There also will probably be some rants about politics and school because I just can't help that. So check back soon...dun, dun, dun!
Posted by Jessica at 9:38 AM 1 comments