Thursday, December 4, 2008


With the holidays upon us, I've had a lot of reminders as to how lucky and blessed I am. I think its unfortunate that I, as well as probably most people, don't really take the time to really pause and consider how blessed and fortunate we all are until the holidays roll around. With Thanksgiving behind me and Christmas just around the corner, I've been trying to consciously be aware of all my blessings. I think this time of year makes it easy to realize how blessed you are, what with commercials and news stories about the food banks, shelters in need during the holiday season, Salvation Army "bell ringers", toy drives, etc. There seem to be constant reminders of those who are less fortunate. For some reason, this year its all hitting me a little bit harder then I think it has in years past. I just think as I'm getting older I'm beginning to get a small inkling of how blessed I am. I have a home, a warm bed, food to eat, clothing to wear, clean many, many things that so many, many people go without. I can't imagine living without electricity, or indoor plumbing, yet millions and millions of people have probably never even experienced the benefits that technology brings. I can just walk over to my sink and fill myself a glass of clean water, while people all over the world drink "water" (and I use that word loosely...its more like mud in some places) from a bucket they filled at the river that's an hour and a half walk away from their home. I can just walk to my fridge and find food, and if there isn't any food in there, its just a matter of a short drive until I can get some. I have never had to experience what its like to "go without". Sure, when I was younger and my parents couldn't afford the clothes, shoes, toys, etc. that I wanted, I was convinced that life was totally unfair. brings tears to my eyes to just think of how selfish and unappreciative I was! I think we live in a society that really doesn't let us appreciate what we have, because there is "always something better". There is always the "it" thing, whether its clothing, shoes, gadgets, cars, etc. and there is always the latest and greatest version following close behind. We're all always trying to make more money, have more stuff, look better then everyone around us; Life has become a competition. I think if we all sat back and really took a good look around, we'd see how we've already won. I am going to try to keep this "attitude of gratitude" throughout my daily life, and not just save it until the holidays come around. I want to appreciate every opportunity that comes my way, because it means I have the freedom to achieve. I want to appreciate every obstacle and hardship, because it could always be worse. I want to appreciate the life that God has given me, and hopefully in learning to see the blessings, I'll be able to appreciate them all the more.