On Sunday, my amazing husband paid for me to get a massage and some energy work. What is energy work you might ask?
"Energy work helps to restore the healthy balance of the energy field and its associated energy pathways, clearing blockages and addressing imbalances, thereby facilitating health and wellness, keeping the healthy flow of energy moving through your energy field. Energy work can also help release energy patterns that interfere with the healthy functioning of one's energy systems."Now, if you're like me, you're just a natural born skeptic. I used to think of things like energy work, crystals, essential oils, etc and just automatically discredit the benefits. We have modern medicine, so that should be good enough, right? Well, a few years ago I discovered otherwise. At the time, I thought I was going through the most difficult trial I could imagine (which now seems like absolutely nothing compared to recent events). I was searching for a way to help myself feel better. I started going to the gym, started praying more, tried to meditate, but something just still felt off. So, my good friend suggested I go see her friend who is a massage therapist and an energy worker. Long story short, I was sold. It was, oddly enough, one of the most spiritual experiences of my life. Some people might roll their eyes at that, and that's fine. But who says you can only have a spiritual experience at church, or in a temple? You can have a spiritual experience just by taking the time to admire a beautiful sunset or sometimes just listening to a certain song can bring about a powerful connection to the divine. Anyway, this miracle worker, who also happens to be named Jessica, helped me find my way through a dark period, and truly helped me help myself by becoming more aware of my thoughts, my actions, and what kind of effect those things have on how I feel. And in light of the events of the past few months, I felt like it wouldn't hurt to go and see her again. BEST DECISION EVER! First off, if you've never had a massage, you need to change that. Like, right now. Pick up the phone, look somewhere up online, just go get yourself one. You will not regret it. I think we often forgot how healing touch can be both physically and mentally. Now a little bit more about my experience. My husband and I got to Jessica's new location (Soul Source Massage is the name), and even just the ambiance is tranquil: it smells delightful, there's soft music, those adorable little waterfalls with the trickling water....you just literally feel better even walking in the door. I went back into the room, we chit chatted for a minute about the changes in my life this year, nothing in too much detail, and then it was massage time. I got a half hour massage and then a half hour of the energy work. So what happens when Jess does your energy work might sound weird at first, but just follow me here. She stands holding your feet and then "connects" if you will, with your energy or chakras. She goes through each one, reminds you if you need reminding what each one is and what its function is, and then you work through fixing the energies that are imbalanced, clouded, or flowing incorrectly. I know, I know, it sounds weird. But trust me, this girl is the real deal. So I'm laying there, and we're going through my chakras and then Jess stops and says she has something to communicate with me and she just can't ignore it. Over my shoulder, was an older woman, holding a baby boy. This older woman was spunky, fiery, a real go getter type of person. And they were there to reaffirm to me that Hunter is safe. He's protected. He is with loved ones who have passed on before, and they are loving my baby and holding him until it's our time to reunite. I have two great-grandmothers and my grandma Leaf on the other side, and in some ways, she could be describing all of them. She could even be describing my great-great-grandmother who I never met, but who I've sure heard plenty of stories about as she was a ball of fire and personality. Jess then told me that I have a little girl who follows me closely and is most likely my daughter. She's apparently a spunky one too, will be such a fun, outspoken little girl, and will probably give me hell when she's a teenager. I guess if I get my little girl, my mom's wish of "I hope you have a daughter just like you someday!" will in fact come true. Jess also told me that Hunter, though he may look like his daddy, has his mama's personality and strengths. We are the same color, as far as auras are concerned. I was also told, big things are in the works for me and my family. Right now should be a time of preparation and planning because, according to Jessica, we will be preparing for baby number two to come along. If I'm not pregnant in the next 3 to 6 months, it would be surprising because that's just what the universe has in store for me and my husband! Now whether you think I'm crazy, or that I'm just grasping at straws here, doesn't matter to me. I had an amazing experience, once again, and feel more in tune with myself and with the divine because of this. If you're at all interested in visiting Jess yourself, just let me know! I'd be more than happy to pass along her information and help someone else have a relaxing and rejuvenating experience! Just keep an open mind, that's all I ask :)